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Get Pushbullet notification from Google Drive

Getting notifications from Google spreadsheets or docs can be really useful at times. One can get notified whenever a change is made to a collaborated file, or when a particular formula has desired output, or whatever one can think of.

  1. Create a Google Spreadsheet (Name it)
  2. Go to Tools -> Script Editor
  3. In script editor, go to File -> New -> Script file (Name it ‘pushbullet’)
  4. Now paste the following code into the script file
function pushbullet(title, body) {
  var digest = "Basic " + Utilities.base64Encode(PUSH_BULLET_ACCESS_TOKEN + ":"),
    options = {
      "method": "post",
      "payload": {
        "type": "note",
        "title": title,
        "body": body,
        "device_iden": "<em>YOUR_DEVICE_IDEN</em>"
      "headers": {
        "Authorization": digest
    push_bullet_url = "";
  UrlFetchApp.fetch(push_bullet_url, options);;
  Logger.log("Pushed succesfully");
  1. Replace YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN with your token. Get it from Pushbullet Account page.
  2. Replace YOUR_DEVICE_IDEN with your Device Identification. Go to Pushbullet API page to learn how to do that.
  3. Now you can call this ‘pushbullet’ function from any other script, as long as it is in same project.
  4. To call this function, include the code in your main script:
pushbullet(XYZ_TITLE, XYZ_BODY);

Have fun! If you need any help, comment below.

Simple ways to share files online

There are many situations where you may want to share some files with your friends. Take for example trip photos, project files, media collection etc. Here, I am going to list a number of simple ways you can use to share files over the net.

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Steve Jobs illusion

Steve Jobs illusion

Click on the photo to see the original size.

Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

Facebook Timeline: New Yearbook feature by Facebook

2 days ago, Google plus went public. In the last post Google plus now opens to all, I said the rise of market share of Google plus is now expected,  but now Facebook has given its reply to this.

When today Mark Zuckerberg announced the Timeline feature at its f8 conference, i was quite amazed to see that. This Timeline page can now summarize your past. The Timeline will be having three main components, as Zuckerberg said — all your stories, all your apps and a new way to express who you are. This Timeline has truly made profiles much more visually focused. The visitors can click on any year to see what you were upto at that time.

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Google plus now opens to all

Google+ doodle

Google+ doodle

Well the most frustrating thing about Google+ was the invitation to join thingy. The audience was very small in comparison to Facebook which has got millions of audience one can connect to. Now the Google has decided to open its new social networking site which was invitation-only for month. Google even made a new doodle to market the Google+, Google+ can now compete with Facebook and Twitter, the social networking giants.

Even before this the famous Google plus users got 1000s of +s, but later the popularity declined due to the limited number of audience. Now as it is open to all, the rise of market share of Google+ is expected.